Saturday 25 January 2014

Meeting the Tigress P-2 of Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve

The tigress P-2 or the "Pandharpavni", as called popularly, is the most photographed celebrity feline of Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve these days. She is the progeny of famous Pandharpavni tigress which died of a suspected snake bite in October 2012. The Pandharpavni area in the TATR is famous for its pond and the adjacent some thirty five acres of open grassland which offers many opportunities to shutterbugs for photographing beautiful wild life and avian, especially the Green Bee Eaters (Merops Orientalis) which abound in this area.
I was lucky to spot the P-2 on fifth December 2013 early morning. At Jamni road quadrangle my guide spotted fresh pug marks of a female tiger . The pug mark pattern revealed tigress's movement towards Jamun Bodi road. We also followed the  route and saw some jeeps standstill on the road at about hundred meters from us. Anticipating some action we sped to find four jeeps stopped in the road their engines shut off. A tourist, in the jeep in front of us, pointed to the left and there I saw the P-2 walking leisurely in the fire line parallel to the jeeps standing  in the road. After a minute or so she turned to the right stepping on the main road and started walking ahead in front of the first jeep.
She continued her walk for about two -three minutes casting some occasional glances to her left and right and then veered to left in a grass land patch which merged with bushes some five hundred meters ahead. There she stopped for a while looking back as if saying - Oh you tourists . Why are you pursuing me? Why don't you leave me alone?

By this time the P-2 was hungry perhaps. Camouflaged in the tall dry grass she started stalking her prey.
 There was lot of excitement in the air. We all waited for the next. The tigress didn't disappoint us. All of a     sudden we heard a "Whoosh", the sharp rustling sound made by the charging rush of the tigress in the tall dry grass, and then the cry of a fawn . It was the death cry and most pathetic. The P-2 had made a kill.
The tourists in the jeeps, about ten vehicles by this time, kept waiting there on the road for quite some time hoping that the tigress may emerge from the grass cover with her kill. But that didn't happen. Then the jeeps made a bee line for the Panchdhara area anticipating to find the tigress somewhere there around the stream for a drink after having finished her breakfast, but the tigress didn't oblige. We also waited there up to 9.30 a.m . and then moved towards Tadoba Lake.
I was lucky again to meet the P-2 next day, the sixth of December 2013, also. I was on the last leg of my afternoon safari near Tadoba lake when the guide suggested a drive on Tadoba- Pandharpavni road. We hardly had driven about three hundred yards when we saw the P-2 on our right side walking in the fire line area.
From the fire line she entered the wooded area helping her with mouthful of grass shoots to keep her digestion in order.
 By this time  jungle sentries, the Langurs, had seen her movement . They let out an  alarm call and soon the Spotted Deers also joined them . For a moment the P-2 also looked to the direction of incoming alarm calls and then with out showing any interest moved deep in the jungle.
The P-2 is a magnificent creature.Watching her for two days was a sheer joy.

PS: You can get my book "The Vanishing Stripes"now at a very attractive discounted price from

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Monday 20 January 2014

The Joy of being a Nature and Wildlife Photographer

Yes . I do nature and wildlife photography. And this surprises many. They wonder why did I chose this when many other, profitable and money making , photography genres were available. Didn't I know that in this age of digital photography my chosen line is the most common and full of nature and wildlife photographers.

Well , I tend to agree with them but not fully. I concede that nature and wildlife photography is hardly remunerative. I haven't sold any picture as yet and know that others like wedding , product or fashion photography more lucrative. Above all , at times , I feel as if  there were some animus prevailing towards this branch of photography , a subtle effort to discourage it .Don't believe me . O.K. try entering Dudhwa or TATR with right type of  photography equipment.You will be charged a hefty amount as fee if you happen to carry a DSLR or a zoom or telelens of 250 mm and above.

I tell my critics that I do nature and wildlife photography simply for the joy of it and not for money. And the abundance of same genre photographers  in the line doesn't bother me. After all isn't this earth overpopulated and teeming with humans ? Million and millions of them. So does that mean that I should cease to exist !
I also tell my critics that perhaps they do not understand the challenges and demands of my genre of photography. Dear critics it is the only genre where the subject doesn't go to studio nor can be asked for a pose. More often than not the subject is not a city dweller but of a desolate jungle , some inhospitable desert,  mountain or sea. The photographer has to approach and wait for his subject for hours and days. That means  lot of patience and capacity to cope with inconveniences of all sorts and risks. Also in this genre the photographer doesn't control the elements. The light may be good or may not be good. But the photographer can not complain of it and is supposed to click that prized shot or the deciding moment irrespective. That requires perseverance plus a bit of luck too.
Two years back , while on a safari in the Bandhavgarh National Park , I saw a Crested Serpent Eagle crash diving in the rivulet side thicket and then come up with a four-five long snake gripped in its talons. The snake was alive and writhing , trying to free itself from the death grip. What an excellent photo opportunity that was ! I was lucky to be at the right place at the right time. Excitedly I urged my driver to speed up a bit. And as luck would have it , the eagle , after a short flight , perched with the prey now in its sharp curved beak , on a Mahuwa tree (Bassia Latifola ) branch facing my direction. The light was just right , the sun behind me. Photographing it was a real joy.

I also feel that the true joys of nature and wildlife photography sometimes lie in the unexpected. Last December at TATR , on a cloudy afternoon , my guide spotted a Leopard in the bushes which was sitting looking sideways some two hundred meters from the jungle road . I had some difficulty initially in spotting the leoaprd in the poor light as its skin camouflaged perfectly with the yellowing dull grass . But I could spot it after a while and hurridly focused my cmarea to get the shot. I pressed the shutter and lo ! The leopard got up and disappered in the jungle.
I wasn't very sure  about the shot . I feared that I had missed it . But no . I had succeeded in capturing the image of that illusive fine muscular beast.
I am sure my community of photographers feels and derives pleasure in pursuing nature and wild life photography as I do . It may be non glamorous , pinching on pocket and non remunerative. But it is enormously joyous and satisfying . It is a unique passion. Who can deny.

J R Mohan.

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